Sensitive fern
Stewardship on Private Land

Your property on a map

Use this interactive map to see the exact boundaries of your ravine land — a necessary step before beginning any restoration work.

How to use the interactive map of Toronto

  • Enter your address
  • Zoom in on your property and notice the colour of the map: public ravine land is in green, private ravine land is in beige
  • Expand the “legend” tab on the left side of the screen
  • Play around with the legend by adding and removing “layers” of the map:
    • Use the “Natural Heritage System” layer to see ravine land
  • Notice the “Measure” function of the left side of the screen. Use it to measure the distance between two points or create a polygon and measure the area of your ravine property.

This map provides you with a good idea of how your property relates to its surrounding properties, however it does not replace a proper land survey. Learn more about how to obtain an official private property survey.

Now learn how to help and start stewarding!